Injury Prediction in Collision Sports and Rehabilitation

My work as a Machine Learning Engineer on automation of injury prediction in collision sports and rehabilitation with a collaboration between Simms Lab, V-SENSE, and Leinster Rugby at Trinity College Dublin.

Worked with: Prof. Ciaran Simms Prof. Aljosa Smolic Dr. Richard Blythman

Part 3: Face Blurring/Pixelating App

A streamlit app for face blurring/pixelating of photos uploaded by the user. The user can upload multiple images and all the processed images can be downloaded as a zipped file. For face detection, the following deep learning models were used:
  • DSFD: Dual Shot Face Detector
  • RetinaFace: Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild
This app is a simplification of the actual work of blurring/pixelating videos due to computational constraints.

Project Link App Link

Part 4: Camera Calibration for Videos using Omnidirectional Calibration

A step-by-step tutorial on how to perform camera calibration for videos using a multi-camera setup. Based entirely on Python and C++ using OpenCV and scikit-video packages.

Project Link