Software Development Work at is a yoga-focused startup dedicated to assisting yoga instructors in various aspects of their profession. During my tenure, I oversaw the complete software development process for two major projects. This involved ensuring flawless deployments and maintaining excellent performance across different platforms. The projects I contributed to are:

  • Sections: This feature lets you organize your yoga sequences into distinct sections, each with its own color code, making them visually distinct and easy to navigate. The feature had more than 800 users within a month of release.
  • Suggesting Titles for New Yoga Poses: This tool allows teachers to propose new, commonly used names for yoga poses. It involved engaging directly with customers to gather feedback, which was crucial for enhancing the user interface and experience.

For these projects, I developed REST API endpoints in webapp2 framework integrated with Google App Engine and Google Datastore. Built UIs using Bootstrap and handled dynamic behavior with JavaScript and jQuery. And wrote scripts to automate the restructuring of legacy data using Google Sheets API.